
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Two for one...

Didn’t say a word.
Yet you ran away from me.
You’re just a coward.

When you tell the truth,
There’s no need to hide your face,

It will speak for you.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014


It doesn’t matter
Even when it hurts your soul.
You will never be right.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Writing Sober

Writing Sober
A cure for blocked words.
When beer can do the mind right,

Why then write sober?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

New Mother

New Mother
Long nights and no sleep.
Watch you smile is my reward.
Love you more each day.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014


There was a time where cold reigned.
Warmth and love consumed.
Flesh moved in, heartache began.

31 Days of Haikus

So much has changed in the last couple of months. Although, I feel EXTREMELY blessed beyond words (cliche, I know...but it's true) I have found myself missing something that was unique to me.


I have decided, in order to pop my now dormant non communicative wordy creative genes, I would give myself a task of creating 31 Haiku in the month of October. I am hoping that this is enough to inspire the writer in me to wake up and sign up to once again attempt NaNoWriMo and hopefully finish with a novel that I am proud of editing. (The last one is printed and in a binder and I refuse to edit because I think it's crap) Anyway, I know I am late in posting this so I have two Haiku's to introduce you to. The next couple of days will be without introduction and will just be the poems.

Thank you for your patience and off I go grab some zzzz's before the baby wakes up.

The air is thick with regret.
Devotion betrayed.
Open your eyes, I’m still here.

That look in your eye, I knew.
Mi alma llora.
Time leaves open wounds never to heal.

Friday, August 8, 2014

I can't remember the last time...

It was one of those days. I was leaving work, after working a midnight, and instead of flying home to see my growing infant I decided I needed to be at the beach. I have to admit, this is one of the best reasons to live in Miami. In fact, for me it's the only reason. Twenty minutes after making the decision, I was parking and walking towards the water.

Yes, I made a detour to Starbucks. It was morning time after all and I needed a prop so that people could speculate in the right direction as to why I was sitting on the beach in jeans and a t-shirt watching the sunrise alone. It seems that even though I say I don't care about what people say, I actually do. This concern is how I found myself needing a break from it all.

It could be the smell of the ocean, the gentle waves crashing up on shore, the grainy sand or the heat of the sun; but, this is where I find refuge. It's my way to relax and organize my thoughts without worrying what someone will say. Aside from the personal issues I will spare you from, one reoccurring thought was my writing and the fact that I don't do it anymore. I can't remember the last time, I just sat down and wrote for the fun of it. Not with a purpose, but just flowed.

Over a year ago I started an online magazine, Seven. I worked my butt off on it and started to get a good following. I also had three writers jump on board and start contributing to the piece each month. It was great. After some time, life hit and I called it quits. It wasn't all at once, but it came gradual. I tried to let it run without me, but the minute I lost focus, so did everyone else.

I find myself missing it now. I want to gain it back and I can start it up again, but where does that leave the people that started it with me? I would love to have them come back, but how do you make people believe in you again, when you lost the vision along the way? How can they trust you? 

My first step will be to lift this little dream up off the ground. Commit myself to a .com and once I find myself financially invested, it might make me more responsible with it. Maybe this will be the push they need to see that I'm committed again. At the same token... I must get down to the origin of it all. The writing. I must perfect my craft. One of the most import aspects of this, other than the writing is to read. I have to find the time in my day to sit down and actually read a book, from beginning to end. Not the halfies that I've been getting myself accustomed to. 

After everything is set for a serious comeback, only then can I truly write a letter of redemption and ask for them to come back. Hopefully, they accept because I do admire their unique writing styles and I value their opinion. But, if they don't accept, then this is something I must conquer. A goal that I must make a reality because I don't want to sit here next year and not remember the last time I did what I loved.