
Friday, June 22, 2012

Louis CK has a show!!

I love comedies. Even more though, I love stand up comedy. There's this dude named Louis CK. Super funny comedian, or at least I like to think so. His comedy focuses on his family and how he copes with lifes issues after a divorce. His comedy tends to be morbid at times. It's like your half expecting him to hang himself in a hilarious way right before he puts the mic down.

He has a couple of stand up specials, my favorite being Chewed Up (2008) and Hilarious (2009) BOTH are available on Netflix (which is quickly starting to fade in popularity, but that's for another day). Both of those specials made me a fan. I think I caught Chewed Up one night on Comedy Central. It was the edited version, of course, but I thought he was funny. It's kind of like the way I discovered Dane Cook. (Love me some late night Comedy Central viewing). Anywho, I just found out that he was a show on FX called Louie. It's a show that makes me sad in a happy way. I am REALLY late in discovering this show, apparently it's been on since 2010. Not only has it been on, but it's been nominated for many awards, including an Emmy. Season three is scheduled to air on FX network on June 28, 2012!

Ok, so late is an understatement. I finally caught up on season one and there were a couple of episodes that were hard to watch. Hard but not impossible, as I kept laughing along the way. (Season Two I'M COMING FOR YOU!!!) The episodes really don't follow any certain story line. It's all over the place and if you are expecting something, then don't. Watch each episode for what it is, a half hour of pure hilarity.

"I'm the guy that women see and they go UGH, and I'm like I know but let me just talk to you for a minute." The one reoccuring theme flowing through the show is that he is a self depreciating, raunchy, demoralized version of Seinfeld. He touches on everything from being divorced, awkward dating habits, feeling lonely, raising two girls and trying to make a career fro himself.

In truth, Louie, as a character never seems to grow. he is stuck in the same never ending depression tornado. The storm clouds hover over his shiny bald head and he stares up and laughs at it and continues to walk in the storm. Louie is a survivor. He is the proof that for some people Murphy's Law is a birth right.

There's an episode where he, at the age of 42, is being bullied by a high school punk while on a date. He walks away from a potential fight with a kid. His date seems horrified. When he asks her about it, she tells him "my mind is telling me you are a great guy, but my chemistry is telling me that you're a loser."

Sometimes our instints lie. Maybe, just maybe, our minds are trying to guide us in the right direction. My mind is telling me to continue to watch, because I want to see Louie's character continue to suffer and laugh at all his pain. It's not always about what situation you are in, but how you cope with it. It's about how you react to that situation and find some laughter in it. Louie is a fighter and when he can't take it anymore he grabs a microphone and for a couple of minutes, it's ok.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some catching up to do. Season three is only a couple of days away!!!

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